Windows Apache/Php Install:
Install zlib per maintainer notes.
Download the server packages for windows:
* Apache :
* PHP :
Installing Apache
(You may need to download the Microsoft Installer ( .msi ) package if you are using win95, 98 or ME. Otherwise, just double click on the icon to run the installation wizard. Click next until you see the Server Information window. You can enter localhost for both the Network Domain and Server Name. As for the administrator's email address you can enter anything you want.
On WinXP or 2000 install Apache as a Service so Windows Apache is automatically started.
Install Apache 2:
Enter Apache server information
Click the Next button and choose Typical installation. Click Next one more time and choose where you want to install Apache ( I installed it in the default location C:\Program Files\Apache Group ). Click the Next button and then the Install button to complete the installation process. Open your browser to http://localhost. You should see apache server default page.
By default Apache's document root is set to htdocs directory. The configuration file for Apache is stored in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf ( assuming you installed Apache in C:\Program Files\Apache Group ). After making changes to the configuration file you have to restart Apache ( Start > Programs > Apache HTTP Server 2.0.50 > Control Apache Server > Restart ) to see the effect.
Check configuration of the DirectoryIndex line in httpd.conf.(This lists the files that Apache will show when you request a directory. Modify the directoryIndex value to index.html, index.php ,main.php. Ex: DirectoryIndex index.html index.php main.php.
Installing PHP
First, extract the PHP package into the directory where Apache was installed ( C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2 ).
Copy the file php.ini-dist in PHP directory to your windows directory ( C:\Windows or C:\Winnt depends on where you installed Windows ) and rename the file to php.ini. This is the PHP configuration file.
Next, move the php4ts.dll file from the newly created php directory into the sapi subdirectory. Quoting from php installation file you can also place php4ts.dll in other places such as :
* In the directory where apache.exe is start from ( C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2 \bin)
* In your %SYSTEMROOT%\System32, %SYSTEMROOT%\system and %SYSTEMROOT% directory.
Note: %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 only applies to Windows NT/2000/XP)
* In your whole %PATH%
HTTP configuration:
Default configuration is ok regards owner, address, and permissions.
Check and alter or add to:
LoadModule php5module libexec/
AddModule mod_php5.c
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
Test installation:
make a phpinfo file in httpd server default directory:
touch /usr/local/apache/htdocs/phpinfo
vi phpinfo
"< php
chown nobody:nogroup phpinfo
Start Apache:
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start
Open browser to localhost/phpinfo; should see phpinfo page.
It will confirm your php load.
EdLite Install
Install and Administrating Edlite:
You will likely want to unpack the tarball for each
teacher in a separate folder or in their home directory.
Teachers can add all courses and students they
are serving from their admin page. We usually create
a splash page for each teacher, or link to a school
or vendeor index. Eack fs pack is approx 80K unconfigured.
unpack EdLite.tgz:
tar -xzvf /usr/local/apache/htdocs/someteachername/
will make directory 'courses'.
chown nobody:nogroup -R courses