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Teacher HowTo

Teacher Walk-Thru:
The Teacher Folder: houses an instance of 'courses'. There are two Teachers interfaces: Course Admin and Class Listing.

1.) The 'Course Admin' interface is the courses folder default page. Here the teacher creates a folder for each course and accesses each class listed on the Course Admin interface itself. Teacher access is password protected.

The course admin interface provides a link to a Class Creation form:

The teacher uses this forn to create a Class. It creates a class name entry, date and term entry, and a link to its respective Class Listing Index. Multiple courses can be made and will be listed here in the sequence they were made.

2.) The 'Class Listing' Index: (Roster) Here the teacher creates an individual Student site for each student taking the class.
The Class Listing Index includes a Student Site Creation Form.

This creates an indexed link to each Student Site on 'Class Listing' Index.
At this point, a course has been created, and sites for each student in the course have been created. The student sites are linked to the Class Listing interface so that the teacher can easily distribute and collect student work. The student sees their own interface for the course

A link is established on the Class Listing page for each student's archived assignments and graded work. Linkage is made to each student's site, and input forms for making their assignements and recording grades.

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