EdLite Admin HowTo
Site Administration
This assumes that you have installed Apache and php or their equivalents on the system and have tested them. See applicable Install doc if you have not.
* Inside Apache root directory you will likely want to create a folder for each teacher.
( Ex: mkdir /usr/local/apache/htdocs/teacherx).
* Inside each new teacher folder, unpack edlite.zip or edlite.tgz. This makes a file system folder called 'courses' for the teacher.
* The following is a typical sequence:
as root:
unpack edlite.tgz in the teacher home directory.
tar -xzvf /usr/local/apache/htdocs/someteachername/
(will make directory 'courses').
chown nobody:nogroup -R courses
* One can create a splash page which links to 'courses' directory for each teacher. This page may then be linked to a school or a vendor index. It may stand on it's own as a teacher homepage as well. Each 'courses' fs pack is approx 80K.
*Back up for the teacher, teacher group, school etc can be as simple as a copy of the entire htdoc directory. Alternatively, each teacher folder may be copied to an outboard server, disk or tape of your choosing.You may wish to verify that the teacher course pack is complete by giving it a dry run using the Teacher HowTo at: http://"teacher.htm"
*That's it.